Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Photography Course from ACS DE - Excellent!!!

Emma Day has recently completed a photography course with us. She says "I found it to be an excellent course in basic film photography". What more can we say? http://www.acsedu.com/courses/photography-courses.aspx

Monday, 26 September 2011

Attract Attention to Your Tweets

Did you know that photographs attract attention to your facebook messages and twitter tweets? Why not add some good photos to your facebook page? http://www.acsedu.com/courses/photography-courses.aspx

President Sarkozy - The Language of Love and Plants

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy has admitted what attracted her to her husband  - President Sarkozy of France - was his knowledge of the names of plants. Thinking about taking a gardening course now?  :) http://www.acsedu.com/courses/horti.aspx

Babies Obese in the Womb

Babies obese in the Womb
A study led by Professor Neena Modi, of 82 babies in the womb has found that overweight mothers were giving birth to overweight babies. The scientists found that the babies had the same build up of fat around their abdomen as adults in their 50s show.  This is the first research that shows a direct link between the child and the weight of the mother.
Obesity in children can lead to a range of health problems later in life, such as diabetes, asthma and heart disease.
Obesity in pregnant women also can have a range of complications, such as stillbirths.
The researchers have commented that this is an important finding as it shows how the mother’s metabolism can affect their baby. 
Obesity is already costing the NHS in the UK a lot and estimates are that the cost will reach £6.3 BILLION a YEAR by 2015.
Tracey Jones
ACS Distance Education

Child & Baby Nutrition BRE304
CHILD AND BABY NUTRITION ONLINE COURSE    This course covers pre-pregnancy stage to adolescent nutrition in great detail. It contains unique information, researched by highly qualified health scientists and an ideal course for people working with or wanting to work with children, people in the healthcare industry or for mothers wanting to enhance their knowledge for their own child’s nutrition.  

Saturday, 24 September 2011

The Gardener's Friend - The Slow Worm

The Gardener’s Friend – The Slow Worm

The slow worm is often known as the gardener’s friend, but it is neither slow nor a worm. It is actually a legless lizard. But whilst it can be slow at stalking its prey, its name actually comes from the old English sla-wyrm meaning slay worm, because it kills worms.

It is often called the gardener’s friend because it eats large quantities of slugs.

Slow worms are shiny and can vary in colour from bronze to grey to brown. Males are usually greyish, whilst females tend to be brown or bronze.  There is also a blue spotted variety, but this is more common on coastal areas and usually when the animal is at least three years of age.

Slow worms can be confused with snakes as they tend to look like snakes. But they differ in an important ways – They have eyelids and can blink – snakes don’t.  But they do have black forked tongues which they flick out of their mouths and use as feelers.  Because of this, they can be confused with snakes, in particular adders. Because of this they are often slaughtered, even though they are actually harmless and safe to handle AND good for your garden.

Slow worms live in open woods and beneath rocks and stones, but they can be found in domestic gardens. Usually in compost heaps or areas of longer grass.

If you want to encourage slow worms into your garden, leave some untidy areas or overgrown rockery. They need light, loose, well drained soil that they can burrow into. 

They are common in Great Britain, but only in the Burren part of Ireland.  They have been found in other countries, such as western Asia, North Africa and Europe. 

The slow worm is actually protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, so should not be harmed or killed. 

They love slugs, particularly grey slugs with attack lettuces, snails, caterpillars and other grubs.

So if you see a slow worm, don’t hurt it, it’s your friend in the garden.

ONLINE HOME GARDEN EXPERT COURSE ·Learn - identify plants, identify pests, prune, feed, water plants properly ·Save - don't buy the wrong plants and garden materials ·Impress -have a garden that looks stunning  This huge blue ribbon course is aimed at garden enthusiasts who want the best! It covers everything a home gardener needs to know to become an expert garden guru. Impress your friends and family with your gardening knowledge or just become confident in your gardening abilities. With almost 100,000 words (the size of three average books), plus lots of illustrations and expert tutor support, this course provides a unique and well structured opportunity to develop a very sound understanding of gardening. The online and CD version also contain large numbers of automated self assessment tests. Eight units each comprising 2 or 3 lessons, Each lesson involves both reading and practical work.

End the Global Economic Crisis

The World Economic Crisis

Many of us are worried about the economic crisis that seems to be affecting much of the Western world.  Countries seem to have borrowed more and more from other countries, beyond their ability to pay it back. World leaders do not seem to be responding quickly enough to this crisis.

One criticism that the financial markets are making is that financial markets change by the second. The prices of stocks and shares go up and down minute by minute. The world financial market changes second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. But the leaders of the world’s government are not responding so quickly.

Most of us have heard the saying – Never a borrower nor a lender be – and it still seems good advice for individuals and governments.

Who is responsible?  Governments get into debt to other governments and countries. They borrow more than they need.  Individuals get into debt with companies, banks, mortgages, credit cards and so on. Many will borrow more than they need.  It seems as though in the Western world we have difficulties in borrowing at a country and individual level. 

Is it time that we ALL rethought our attitudes to money and spending?

 STUDY BOOKKEEPING AT HOME LIKE A NEW CAREER IN BOOKKEEPING? Want the option of working full or part time? A reasonable salary? Skills that are constantly in demand? Be able to work in any industry? As a book keeper you have choices. Every business needs someone to look after their accounts, so the career possibilities are endless.  This basic bookkeeping course provides a very solid foundation.  It is suitable for either the beginner, or people with only basic knowledge and covers more than what is usually covered in introductory courses at other colleges. The course consists of 13 lessons, and focus is mainly on small business, in particular service firms. 

Distance Education - or just good quality education?

Distant Learning – Is it so Distant with ACS Distance Education?

Many of us hear about different types of learning – different types of colleges, schools, blended learning, online learning and of course, Distance Learning.  The very word “distance” makes us think of something distant, far away, remote from ourselves.

So is that what distance learning is? Remote? Far Away? Well, in a way yes. Distance learning is not the same as sitting in a class room, face to face with your teacher or tutor. But distant and remote with ACS Distance Education – well, no it doesn’t have to be! 

At ACS DE we pride ourselves on being supportive to our students and potential students. We are happy for our tutors to speak to people who are thinking about studying and to talk to students when they enrol if they are not sure about anything. All of our tutors are encouraging, supportive and happy to help our students as much as we possibly can.

So remote and distant education? Well, no! ACS Distance Education is there to meet your educational needs in a friendly and support way.

And it’s not only ACS DE that thinks so. Our students think we are great too!  One student who recently enrolled commented that our comments are backed up by the fact that we firstly phone as requested, and secondly our website (www.acsedu.com) says you can ask for advice BEFORE enrolling. She said that ours was the only website she had come across that offered this, and she was impressed that we backed this up with a prompt phone call (she has been looking at universities mainly versus our courses and getting nowhere.)

And this student is not the only one who is happy. We have many, many, many student testimonials from happy students. Have a look -  http://www.acsedu.com/about-us/student-testimonials.aspx

AND, it’s not just our tutors who are helpful and supportive. Our administrative staff are the backbone of ACS DE, working hard to see that all of our students are happy, their assignments marked on time, sent back to and any questions you have dealt with promptly. And much much more....

We all work together as a team and want to help our students – and potential students – get a positive experience from studying with ACS DE.

Why not give us a try and find out why OUR students are so happy?

You can view our courses at www.acsedu.com

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Interesting research about 'Game Transfer Phenomena' where people transfer gaming behaviours into the real world: