Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Tips for social media networking

Tips for social media networking

1: Set up a facebook page.

2: Post useful or interesting information relating to your business on your page.

3: Join facebook groups that are relevant to your business.

4: Put a ‘like’ box on your website so that people can ‘like’ your business.

5: Set up a twitter account and follow people relevant to your business.

6: Treat everything you put on the web as though the whole world will see it.

7: Invite your staff to set up LinkedIn accounts.

8: Set up a Ping.fm account or something similar which will allow you to post to all of your different accounts from the one site so you don’t have to log-in to each individually to get your message out.

9: Look into other social media groups that are relevant to your business.

10: Add icons or widgets (or doovers in layman’s terms) to your website which invite people to join you on facebook, twitter and whatever other networks you have joined.

11: Include links to your website in your posts.

12: Always be polite. Enjoy meeting new people but try not to waste too much time on things not likely to generate business.

For more e-business ideas look at our e-commerce course and read our story below.

Our social networking journey

ACS recently launched into social networking with great vigour and found it to be a little like truffle hunting in cyber space. The first hurdle lay in convincing the principal John Mason that spending our days on facebook was indeed a worthwhile use of our time.

Very well versed in search engine optimisation techniques, John agreed to trail it for a few weeks to see how it went, and set up a personal facebook page. It didn’t take long before we had to compete with facebook for John’s attention and within weeks he had amassed over 800 friends! We set up groups and posted up relevant information for our students or anyone interested in Writing, Photography, Horticulture, IT and a number of other subject areas (feel free to join our group – just search for ACS Distance Education).

Through facebook we received emails and friend requests from all over the world. Facebook, it turns out, is a fantastic way to link in with groups who are interested in the same kinds of things that we teach.

We also started a media group for any members of the media interested in keeping abreast of our activities.

We then decided that we needed an ACS facebook page so that people could ‘like’ us.

While all was far from quiet on the facebook front, twitter limped along much less enthusiastically. Through twitter we managed to tap into a very strong group of people interested in using cutting edge technology in education, but our momentum seemed to squawk. We were not getting anywhere near the same level of engagement from twitter that facebook was bringing in. We sat around rubbing our chins wondering just what to tweet that people might be interested in but that would not impact negatively on our professional image. As a mixed bunch of very interesting academics with expertise in a variety of areas, this shouldn’t have been hard. Simplifying big ideas into a sentence, however, is an art unto itself.

We now had a facebook profile and ACS Distance Education facebook page and some facebook groups and a twitter account and we decided to get into LinkedIn. Things seemed like they were getting a little out of control. So we thought we’d better get a Hootsuite account so that we could manage all the accounts from the one place and even schedule tweets or status updates. Unfortunately Hootsuite is reasonably limited in terms of the amount of other programs that can be linked to it.

By this stage we were also getting into Plaxo and Myspace and Jaiku…and then we thought we’d better get a blog. Thankfully we discovered Ping. Ping is like Hootsuite but it can cater for many more programs.

So now when we want tell people about our latest developments - such as one of our new affiliates like the Educational Academy http://elearning.academy-zone.com/default.aspx - then we just pop it into Ping and presto! Or should that be Presto? I’m sure there’s a Presto out there too.

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